to the other end, giving stability but denying
freedom; it'rather consists in assuring physical
happiness while preserving this freedom of
instinctive living. It is because of this that
Theosophical Socialism intends creating economic
stability through the measures that are 'demo-
cratic, gradual, ethical, and peaceful in character'
so that the elimination of the struggle for
physical existence would not ]eopardi^e individual
freedom of the masses. The first principle of
Theosophical Socialism findg itself in substantial
agreement with the post-war manifesto of the
British Labour Party Whkh declares!

" We are for a new social order based ori a
deliberately planned co-operation in production and
distribution for the benefit of all who participate by
hand arid brain, based not on the utmost inequality
of riches but on a systematic approach to a
healthy e^ality of material circtlm6tance» for every
person born into the world."

Theosophical Socialism intends granting this
equitable environment consisting of healthy equality
of material circumstances by ^Controlled Capita-
lism^ gradually transforming itself to Socialist basis